>> 1. Can annotation validations be performed in Struts2.1.
Yes; did something lead you to believe they couldn't?
>> 2. How do I specify in Actionclass-validation.xml file that a numeric field cannot accept alphabets. Is this the correct validator <field-validator type="conversion"> in validation.xml
Normally you wouldn't need to, just use an int validator, but what precisely to do depends on your requirements and the type of the backing property (int and Integer behave differently).
>> What is the use of <result name="error">/tutorial/error.jsp</result> in struts.xml.
What do you mean "what is the use of"? It's a mapping for a result named "error" that uses a specific page--I have no idea what it's for beyond that--whoever wrote it probably knows, though.
>> 4. Do we have to place Actionclass-Validation.xml file in WEB-INF-> classes folder only
I'm sure it would be easy to hack in support for something else, but I don't know why you'd want to.
>> 5. Is this tag mandatory to perform AJAX validation
>> <s:url id="url" namespace="/validation" action="quizAjax"/>
What do you mean?
>> 6. Must we specify <s:fielderror/> in JSP for field validators and <s:actionerror/> in JSP for non field validators.Is this mandatory.
No, it's not mandatory; the just display a list of field or action errors.
>> 7. Please suggest a good website with some examples for learning testing struts2 Actions ,Interceptors using JUnit
Struts 2 wiki?
>> 8. How do we debug a struts2 application in Eclipse.
Same as any other web application.