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Hi All,
I am trying to build a
struts application manually.
I have got all my .java files in
src folder. I have included struts.jar in
/WEB-INF/lib folder.
I try to compile my .java file using the following command
javac -d WEB-INF\classes src\com\ilp\struts\action\*.java src\com\ilp\struts\business\*.java src\com\ilp\stru
ts\db\*.java src\com\ilp\struts\formbeans\*.java src\com\ilp\struts\util\*.java
And I get the error saying package
org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping so on.
None of the struts classes is not readable.
I dont know how to include my struts.jar while compilation.
Can any one please help me out?