What url-pattern should I use for
Struts so that all pages are filtered by Compression Filter? My URLs are like .../mycontextRoot/MyServlet.do
I am using GZipFilter from "Servlets and JavaServer pages; the
J2EE Web Tier",http://www.jspbook.com.
*.do does not work.
I want ALL pages to go through this filter. The url-pattern *.jsp does not go through Compression filter for all pages.
When I use *.do in url-pattern, it goes through Compression filter. However, it gives me a message (in IE) saying Windows cannot open the file myFirstPage[1].do and ultimately, it does not display the page.
I am using WSAD 5.1 (local box) as my server and Struts 1.1.
What url-pattern should I use so that all pages are filtered by Compression Filter?
Any help will be appreciated.