This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum. We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line! See this thread for details.
after i create keystore and CSR using keytool i went to openssl to create certificate then using keytool i tried to import this certificate the our keystore but i got this exception
keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match Thanks
There is an alias option (-alias) that is common to the genkeypair, certreq, and importcert command. You must use the same alias for each command. If that doesn't help, you'll need to provide details about each of the commands.
I am also facing the same kind of issue. I have already kept alias same everywhere. I need to have this to implement WS Security feature with my web services. I am testing it through self signed certs created by me.
Thanks in advance.. :-)
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