posted 14 years ago
I am using Oracle driver for connection in datasource in Weblogic 10.3 in my application. I am getting the below exception after I do the search activity number of times ,which uses the connection in this datasource to run a Stored procedure.
weblogic.jdbc.extensions.PoolLimitSQLException: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceLimitException: No resources currently available in pool
I have checked my code thouroughly and there is no connection leak. The connection is closed properly in all possible scneario's. I have verified the same by running the application and then checking the log file immediately.
The initialcapacity and maxcapacity of the datasource is 1 and 15 respectively. After I get the above exception, if I check the weblogic console, I find in the left bottom corner a window "System status", which has links like "Failed", "Critical", "Overloaded", "Warning" and "Ok". When I clicked on the "Overloaded" link it shown below,
"JDBC Overloaded Connection Pool Name = null:null:OracleCSIDataSource, State = Overloaded "!
Thanks & Regards