this is in continuation of other
thread "puzzling Parsing Of dates"
while dissecting above problem I saw recommendations to have
application's default Timezone to tackle date time processing and persistence
issues. The idea is let application be hosted on server in any time zone
it will have fixed time zone so that all dates and times are persisted and
retrieved wrt specific time zone context.
If anybody differs with this your comments are welcomed and are valuable to me.
But I also came to know that application specific timezones can not be set but
I have to set timezone for entire JVM i.e. for all the applications using that JVM.
its suggested that JDK should be started with -Duser.timezone="<tz to set>"
I am using Spring, blazeDS, spring-security, spring-flex and iBatis at backend
so I am not starting JVM manually. So How can i use this parameter to set default timezone of "GMT+0530"
please guide me where shall i put this so that JVM uses this timezone by default.
Thanks and regards