Interesting. In the WSDL spec introduction (Section 1 in earlier link), it states "A port is defined by associating
a network address with a reusable binding, and a collection of ports define a service." (The italics/colour are mine) So I guess the WSDL is not 1.1 compliant. Also, the statement implies that a port can have only one address. And yes, I see that the WSDL does validate in Eclipse with multiple address elements inside a port. No idea why.
Anyway, some questions:
1. What is the source of your WSDL? Is it being handed to you to develop against? Or are you creating one from scratch?
2. If you are creating it, what is your goal here?
My guess
based on your example: If you are trying to trying to setup SOAP over JMS, then the SOAP over JMS spec has a
nice example that you might find useful.