I am preparing
SCEA certification and I have a good understanding of EJBs, but I use to develop web-centric application with Spring where everything is POJO.
So I have some troubles to distinguish what is SessionBean or not in business and persistance layers.
Basicly in a web-centric Spring application I use the fold architecture :
Web tiers | Business tier | persistance tier
Backing bean <-> Business Delegate <-> Facades <-> Services <-> DAOs
I think that I can keep the same architecture in EJB-centric application (right?).
While Facades are necessary SessionBean, what about Services and DAOs? Pro & Cons?
If we want to rely on
EJB resource injection mecanism at least DAOs should be SessionBean in order to resolve EntityManager. But we could use Spring (
Spring EJB) to do that.
Is it a common practice?