ken wise wrote:1-I installed notepad++
thats fine.
ken wise wrote:2-I typed my code into it and saved as C:\ex1
you must save a
java file with .java extension . so in your case the file name must be ""[example]
ken wise wrote:3-I ran my cmd and changed directory to C:\ex1
if ex1 is the folder name, then it is fine.
ken wise wrote:4-At C:\ex1> I typed "javac" (as seen in the JPG image i sent along)
with this command you are asking compiler to comiple/verify your source code
ken wise wrote:5-The message i get is -'javac' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operation
but unfortunately, window cant find your compiler[javac] to execute[assume you are working on window platform] you need to add javac.exe location to the window PATH
to set this, right click on your mycomputer icon on your desktop-->advanced tab--> environment variable ---> click PATH variable in system variable and then edit/add java installation path upto bin directory example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin
just mentioned fully qualified name of the javac in command prompt i.e, "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\javac" [here path is surrounded by "" because it contains space(Program Files)]
after successful of compilation , run using "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin\java" Squarer
or java Squarer [if you add java location into the system path]