I have a
jsp which shows a drop down combobox, a text box and submit cancel buttons.
the drop down combo box is a collection of objects. to be exact an arraylist which is placed in session in the action class.
The object is a technique object which has the following attributes:
techCd : type
String : primary key
techDscr : type String : a description of the technique
actCd : type String : can be A indicating Active and D indicating Deleted
----------------------Earlier only these where present--------------------
Earlier the value can be selected and updated. select an old technique and enter the new description in the textbox.
But now I need to place a checkbox alongside the drop down combo box , so that the checkbox gets checked when the selection in the combobox changes.
I read everything I could on how to implement this, and I think I need to do this via html:multibox
----------------------Now trying to implement checkboxes-------------
the above code gives me a
[ServletException in:/tiles/modifytile.jsp] Cannot create iterator for this collection'
I have the following code in my ModifyForm
Could anyone give any suggestions/help on what am I doing wrong, please? Is it possible to check/uncheck a checkbox/multibox based on the selected value in the dropdown combo box?
I think it will be simpler to write them as a list using <bean;write> and place checkboxes along side for each as indicated in this article
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2003/07/30/jakartastruts.html?page=last But when there are too many values , the page can be too long.
If I use a single select list , the display will be better and users can easily navigate to a value , but we should only have a single checkbox and the problem becomes similar to that I am facing now.
single select list code sample
http://javaboutique.internet.com/tutorials/strutsform/index-4.html Please help out. my only other option is scriplets.