Hello guyz, I have a problem with a jawa swing application.
from my web application when I click on a link, it downloads a jar file and executes that jar file on the client side by passing the necessary parameters.
The title of that Swing application window is "Optical Metro System Manager".
When I click on the same link multiple times, it is launching this swing application multiple times.
My requirement is to check if this swing window already opened each time before launching a new window.
I dont have the source code of this swing window as it will be launched from the jar and this jar will be downloaded from server side.
Is it possible to find the window id or window name or window title of a opened swing window with
java swing classes
My idea is to find the window which has the title "Optical Metro System Manager" as mentioned above and if it is available, i have to bring that window to front
Your help is very much appreciated.