I am going through an online tutorial for
JSF as I am very new to it. I am having to work in an IBM RAD & Websphere 7 environment.
In my User class under a package called pagecode I have the following:
In my
JSP page I have:
In my web.xml file I have:
And in my faces-config.xml file:
But I am getting these 2 errors for which I would appreciate any direction and/or help:
What is interesting is that if I enter in the JSP where the first error is occurring a scriplet <%=request.getRemoteUser().substring(6)%> then I am able to get my userID populated in the form, however, I do not want to use scriptlets in the JSP page and just bring it in from the bean if at all possible.
Again, any help/direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.