I am not initializing my page from
jsp but from .do action.
I get a form.
I have a jsp-Action class-form defined in
struts, and properties for I11N in application.properties file.
I want to check the prompt user with error when any of the fields are null or empty.
So I added validate() in my ~Form class. in struts i added the validate="true".
I added <html:errors bundle="MyResources"/> before form tag.
When i click submit(i.e. save operation), i am not coming back to the form. what may be the reason?
public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
boolean mappingSetNameEntered=false;
System.out.println("in validate operation="+ _operation);
if(_operation=="save") {
if(mappingSetName ==null || mappingSetName.length()<1) {
errors.add("mappingSetName", new ActionError("error.mappingSetName.required"));
System.out.println("Inside validate:"+ mappingSetName);
return errors;
please help.