Yes Mark.
My point is as follows:
List (Raw type) (eg. List a)
List <?> (eg. List b) = List <? extends objects> (eg. List c)
According to Java SCJP (Khalid Mughal):
Say List a = new ArrayList <Integer> ();
Just talk about narrowring conversion here:
1. b = a; // ok (unbounded wildcard)
2. c=b; // ok (unbounded wildcard here is actually same as ? extends objects>
3. c=a; // ok but with unchecked warning.
I do understand from that book that the general rule when mixing legacy code and generic code that any assignment of raw type to BOUNDED wildcard (eg. ? extends
String> will results in unchecked warning. But this rule should not be true when ? extends objects (eg list c) is used since that is the highest upper bound (covering all subtypes).
So since a (raw type) can be assigned to b (unbounded wildcard) and b is c indeed (and object is the highest upper bound), i don't see any problem here.
My opinion is a can be assigned to c (c=a) without any unchecked warning generated (since ? extends objects is the highest upper bound which will cover all subtypes).
But the book is right. I tested c=a and it does generate a unchecked warning (which means type safety can be compromised).
That's the part i don't get it