The below are my findings:
To answer the second part
2) response.sendRedirect("userLogged.jsp");
${} in userLogged.jsp
Here the response is already comitted and you are trying to fetch the parameters(request).
request,response objects are
thread safe and synchronous in nature(Apache tomcat6.0).Once response is
given to the client we cann't retrive.
(go through sendRedirect/forward)
EL:Elmination to
java syntaxs in
It checks the syntax vaildity not the existence of variable.
-->Translation (which involves compilation):
The abstract class javax.servlet.jsp.el.ExpressionEvaluator has a method evaluate(java.lang.String, java.lang.Class,
javax.servlet.jsp.el.VariableResolver, javax.servlet.jsp.el.FunctionMapper) checks for syntax error.
At runtime the
String representing the expression is sent to a method called resolveVariable()
which uses javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext 's public abstract java.lang.Object findAttribute(java.lang.String);
the returned object is sent to the outputstream via an out.print();
Note:Even if the variable doesn't exists sensible defaults are provided.
Adding on this finAttribute checks through the scopes in the following order.
To answer the first part about scopes:
1)session.setAttribute("currentSessionUser", user);
<jsp:useBean id="currentSessionUser" class="examplePackage.UserBean" scope="application">
${param["username"]}-->Map of ServletRequest paramter.(You have already comitted response check forward/sendredirect you will get solution.)
${sessionScope.currentSessionUser.username}-->you are targeting the session scope,Which you have already set so is the result.
-->sendRedirect will evades
up the request objects.
Please let me know if I am missing something.