SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
SCJP6 96% | SCWCD5 81% | SCDJWS5 79%
Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 6 Programmer && Oracle Certified Expert: (JEE 6 Web Component Developer && JEE 6 EJB Developer)
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
|BSc in Electronic Eng| |SCJP 6.0 91%| |SCWCD 5 92%|
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4 - Hints for you, Certified Scrum Master
Did a rm -R / to find out that I lost my entire Linux installation!
SCJP 6.0 (86%), SCWCD 5.0 (92%), SCBCD 5.0 (93%), MCTS(SQL Server 2008)
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
SCJP 6 [86%], OCPWCD [84%], OCEJPAD [83%]
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SCJP 93 % ,preparing for SCWCD
Mehdi Ben Larbi wrote:Good job,congrats.
Any question about Serialization or Wait/notify ?
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
shanky sohar wrote:
there is no question from serialization and wait/notify.
and also questions are pretty was not that much tough as i am thinking
Pattern is completely changed only 60Question are there..irrespective of 72.
SCJP 93 % ,preparing for SCWCD
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
SCJP 93 % ,preparing for SCWCD
shanky sohar wrote:Yes you can ignore them as for scjp preparation...if you want to become only certified.
Thanks & Regards
Sumit Kothalikar
Enthuware - Best Mock Exams and Questions for Oracle Java Certifications
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SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
SCJP6.0,My blog Ranchers from Delhi
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