Hi guys,
I am currently developing an application using Glassfish v3 and Netbeans
IDE 6.9 and currently having issues. I have an Enterprise Application project which consist of a project-ejb and project-war. I am trying to use an external library/har from the project-ejb.
In the project-ejb, I added the external library/jar using Properties > Libraries > Compile and used it on one of my session beans. The problem is that the server always return an error after I declared the variable that is using the library and deployed the project.
Compilation works fine but deployment does not. The weird thing is that when I use the external library from the project-war, it just deploys fine and it can use it properly. Please advise on what I am doing wrong. I have searched the forum thoroughly for solutions but it seems that I am the only one who cannot solve the problem. Thanks!