iRix Technolohies mock questions
Problem 1
Given the following class declarations in their respective files
What is the result of compiling & running class Circle ?
correct answer: Prints 10 to the console.
wrong answer:Prints 20 to the console.
shouldn't answer be 20 since 20 would override 10
Problem 2
Given the following, what is the result of compiling & running class
Test ?
A.Compiler error, reference to render is ambiguous.
B.AmbiguousReferenceException thrown at runtime.
C.Prints "render(Shape s, Circle c)" to the console.
D.Prints "render(Circle c, Shape s)" to the console.
correct answer is
i think answer should be A
as we are passing
new Circle,new Circle to
render(c1, s1);method because
both the method match,so complier erroe