Hi their,
presently i am using
struts to send dynamically generated PDF files to browser , struts is the web framework I am using , along with PDF file I would like to display
JSP content also , to achieve this I am setting the content of PDF file in action class and forwarding request to some preconfigured jsp file where remaining page content will be generated , I am getting following exception when request reaches my JSP pages
exception content="[OutputStream already obtained]: java.lang.IllegalStateException: OutputStream already obtained"
here is the code snippest in action calss
public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
OutputStream sos=null;
logger.debug("Writing PDF Stream...............");
StringBuffer sbFilename = new StringBuffer();
getResponse().setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"PurchaseOrder.pdf\"");
byte[] tmpData = baosPDF.toByteArray();
System.out.println("Data Retrieved.." + tmpData.length);
sos = getResponse().getOutputStream();
logger.debug("completed writing PDF Stream...............");
//some code..................
// some code ...........................
return forward;
can any one help out to resolve this issue , I would like to write some data response stream at action classes and again I want to add jsp dynamic content to response stream,
yes i am talking about kind of
servlet chaining in struts,
how can i avoid this exception and achieve my goal
with regards,