Hi, I'm having trouble coming up with the correct regular expressions to use in mask. The field I need to validate has the following rules: 1.length should be 10 characters - using minlength and maxlength for this - and it works fine. 2.accepted chars are 0 to 9 and the letter X - the value in my validation.xml is as follows: <var> <var-name>mask</var-name> <var-value>^[0-9X]$</var-value> </var> Am I setting up the regular expression incorrectly ? Any pointers will be very helpful.
The regex you've setup says: The string is valid if it contains 0-9 or X and one character long, you'll need to add that you want it to be 10 characters long.
Given that you are now checking it's length with the regex, you can get rid of the min/max length bits if you want.
Hello, The field I need to validate needs to be 10 characters long, and can contain numbers 0 to 9, and the letter X. The mask value I have set up is: <var-name>mask</var-name> <var-value>[0-9X]${10}</var-value>
This allows the following value to be entered and saved, which is not acceptable. 345678yyy8 Is my regular expression incorrect ? Any hints will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Mallika.
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