Hi there.
I'm using
Struts and a bit of JSTL tags to show a couple of select with nested option tags. So i have the next in a form
<html:select property="idCadFed" styleClass="texto" onchange="habilitaColegios()">
ptions collection="ListaOrganismos" property="idAsString" labelProperty="desFederacion"/>
<html:select property="idCadCol" disabled="true" styleClass="texto">
ptions collection="ListaColegios" property="idAsString" labelProperty="desColegio"/>
Those are the drop-down lists. I get them filled as spected, the value i choose is passed to the action. So far, so good.
Now, what i need to do is to use the first comboBox as a filter, so after i choose a value, the values in the second combo are changed corresponding to what was selected (I need to filter them).
I'm thinking on solving the problem with javascript and some ugly iterations on the Collection to fill an Array in javaScript (maybe something else i still haven't figured out) and change the way i have the second combo filled, as the really convenient (with the <html:select & <html
ptions tag) way won't be as easy to use.
But this seems way too ugly and dirty...Also, i don't want to do any reprocesing of the form, i think that would not be any good. i'm hoping there's another way i haven't found.
So, please, if you know an elegant way (well, in fact any way, even if it's not elegant at least it could be useful enough for me) let me know.
Thank you very much in advance, hope what i'm asking is clear, if it's not, reply so i can't explain better.