Author/s : Paul Tepper Fisher, Brian D. Murphy
Publisher : Apress
Category :
Miscellaneous Java
Review by : Jeanne Boyarsky
Rating : 7 horseshoes
Apress' "Spring Persistence with Hibernate" covers Spring 3.0. (Take care that you don't confuse it with Packt's book with the same title which covers Spring 2.5)
The roadmap on the back cover implies
you should have read "Beginning Spring" or "Beginning Hibernate." For an experienced developer, this isn't necessary. The key is that this book is fast moving so you should have some development background. It does cover beginner concepts - just faster.
The book goes beyond the title with bonus chapters on integration, Grails and Roo. It also covers the basic Spring MVC setup. I particularly liked the chapter with things to beware of including lazy loading and caching.
The only errors I caught were the case of @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy. They were consistenly wrong which makes me think it was edited after the authors last saw it. I also noticed a
JUnit version mismatch while not wrong per se. Didn't affect readability though and the
testing coverage was still good.
Overall, I was happy with the book.
Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher in
exchange for writing this review on behalf of CodeRanch.
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