Dan Drillich wrote:
Luke Murphy wrote:
If faultcode is not part of the namespace, body isn't either?
As Paul noted, there seems to be a subtle error in the segment you provided; meaning, faultcode should be part of the namespace.
I got the example from the basic profile examples
Go to:
3.3.3 SOAP Fault Namespace Qualification
The children of the soap:Fault element are local to that element, therefore namespace qualification is unnecessary.
R1001 When an ENVELOPE is a Fault, the element children of the soap:Fault element MUST be unqualified. [/code]
and you'll see
<soap:Fault xmlns:soap='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'
xmlns='' >
<faultstring>Invalid message format</faultstring>
<m:msg xmlns:m='http://example.org/faults/exceptions'>
There were
lots of elements in the message that
I did not understand