I am attempting to create an RMI server that can be accessed from the internet.
In order to do this, I installed a clean copy of Windows XP on an old computer (no firewall enabled) and set up port forwarding on my router so ports 1098 and 1099 are forwarded to this computer. I also put this computer in the DMZ.
From inside my home network I can connect to the RMI server either via that computers IP or by my external IP (found with www.whatismyip.com) but i cannot connect from outside my home network, so i believe the problem to be with my router.
I am using Verizon FIOS, and the router is the ActionTec version MI424-WR (default with FIOS)
here is the relevant sections of my code:
client: (MY_IP is my external IP, but i'm not giving that out)
relevant sections of server:
the method is included in the interface
and how i start the server:
When i say that it doesnt work, i mean that the client
applet displays a 0 instead of a 5
I don't know what the error was because i cannot
test from my computer, but instead must send the applet to friends who arent very tech-savy and walk them through how to run it.
is there something wrong with my code that is preventing access from outside my home network, or did i forget to do something with my router? for instance, do I somehow need to tell my router to allow the RMI protocol? Or must it be something else not mentioned here?
Thanks for the help