Hello James.
Thanks for your help. The IV solved the problem
I created the IV and passed the IV over the network ("to BOB") as a HEX string.
byte[] IV = cipher.getIV ();
String IV = asHex( iv );
When decrypting I ("BOB") turn(s) the IV to a byte array and use the IV:
byte[] IV = hexFromString( iv );
cipher.init( Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec, new IvParameterSpec( IV ) );
Regarding turning the cleartext string into bytes using utf-8 I turned it back using:
String string = new String( original, "UTF-8");
I guess we ALWAYS have to send the IV to the reciever ("BOB"), when using AES? Or does that depends on the encryption mode, i.e. ECB, CBC, OCB. Is there any other encryption techniques, where don´t need to send an IV?