Hi, We are migrating from weblogic 8.1 to 10.3 and am having a problem in deploying the JMS module.
We have a weblogic cluster and this cluster conencts to an IBM MQ using the ForeignJMS Server in weblogic 8.1 the configuration is as below and everything was working fine:
<ForeignJMSServer ConnectionURL="file:/opt/temp/config/jndi"
JNDIProperties="" Name="tempjms" Targets="tempCLU1">
<ForeignJMSConnectionFactory LocalJNDIName="QCF"
Name="tempjms MQ Factory" RemoteJNDIName="ResQCF"/>
Name="v1.local" RemoteJNDIName="v1.local"/>
Now I would like to know how I can achieve the same configuration in weblogic 10
I tried creating a JMS Module
Created a Foreign server under this module
Created a SubDeployment for this and targetted it to the cluster
The Foreign server has the Destinations and the Conenction Factory Defined in it.
When I bring my weblogic up it shows the below errors in the logs
<Feb 14, 2011 3:02:37 PM CST> <Warning> <
EJB> <BEA-010061> <The Message-Driven EJB: tempMDB is unable to connect to the JMS destination: v1.local. The Error was:
Can not get distribute destination information. The destination JNDI name is v1.local, the provider URL is null>
Can someone help me over here, its very urgent and would really appreciate your help. Thanks.