I am currently using a contract first or top-down approach to web service development. I have completed the xml schemas and wsdl files.
I have used the wsdl2java tool to generate the
java code artifacts.
My next question is I want to implement my business logic and map it to the generated java code artifacts. What are the best practices here. I searched online and all top-down examples only talk about first two steps of creating schema/wsdl and wsdl2java for code generation.
I want to know a few things about generated code. All generated code (i.e. implementation classes and the supporting java data type classes) are placed under one folder. Can this be separated into a neat package structure like 'domain' package for all operational classes and 'model' package for all data containers etc
I plan to use new packages for business logic implementation to keep it separate from the generated java code. what are some of the well known practices here. Should i create a new set of implementation classes plus DTO classes and have a mapping with the generated code or should i wrap the business logic around the generated code with some helpers.
In my application I am using Spring and Hibernate JPA and i have designed the business logic piece but I am confused with the mapping to the web service generated code.
Let me know your thoughts here.