Hello sir,
i wish to develope an
java based software for speech using FreeTTS and Sphinx4 for my final year project!
Well speech i have syntesised but there is a lot of problem using Sphinx
My aim is to develope an Music Player Using JMF And JSAPI
Just like windows on new installation provide 2-3 demo songs in MyMusic Folder, i'll provide 2-3 songs which willl be played but if user interact with my software then my software will recognize the voice parse the
String quoted like "Bryan Adams", software will search in the library "Bryan Adams", if match is not found then we know that part of java is dedicated to the web development, Software Will search through Songs website such as Songs.pk if our query i.e "Bryan Adams" songs are found then(Download, since user requested, i have created a DownloadManager refering Art Of Java(Herb Schildt and James Holmes).
How to achieve this part of web development!!