Hello there,
I am not sure what you are trying to ask here. But here is an attempt to answer them.
have few questions regarding the server managed datasource
what is the difference between application and server side datasource management?
why should we go for server side datasource management?
As far as I understand all the Datasources are created on the server.I am assuming that you are using Websphere because you posted this in websphere forum.
difference type of transaction management?
Transaction can be managed by your application or left to the server/ejb container by using declarative transaction attributes for methods. e.g. "Required", "RequiredNew" etc.
If you want to handle the transaction then you can obtain the transaction manager in the global JNDI respository. I think the JNDI name is "java:comp/UserTransaction" to get handle to it. Once you have it then you can use UserTransaction Interface's various method to begin,rollback and committing the transaction on your own.
Hope this clarifies some of your doubts.