Welcome to the Ranch! You will get a more official welcome soon I am sure, but in the meantime to answer your questions:
When creating a new object you have to tell the JVM what the object is of, so, by not providing a class before blackberry, it doesn't know what rules to follow for that object. As your programs become larger, this is even more important because of the multitudes of classes and objects created.
The second is about Polymorphism...a discussion better left for when you understand objects a little better and ready to learn inheritance. However you have started learning
Java, take it one step at a time. You can also use the Java Ranch site here as well. They have several tutorials that will better explain these concepts.
As for having access, yes and no. It all depends on how your code is written. I am sure I will be corrected on this one, but one is an object of the MobilePhone class with an "is-a" relationship to the Phone class, whereas the second is simply an object of the MobilePhone class that may or may not happen to inherit some of the values of Phone.