Here's a panel called
panelLower from my GUI. It sits in the the SOUTH BorderLayout position in a JPanel, which is displayed in a frame.
It has a 2x2 GridBagLayout with 2 panels,
panelControls and
panelPositions, plus a checkbox.
The 2 panels each have GridBagLayouts, of 4x1 and 8x1.
panelControls contains 4 panels (Zoom, Move, Detail, Size) which are configured with GroupLayouts or GridBagLayouts.
My problem is this: when I resize the frame, the left-most columns of the GridBagLayouts are squashed. Here's what I mean:
The Zoom panel has shrunk and the first label on panelPositions has disappeared altogether. What I want if for the panels to stay rigid and not shrink at all. Is this possible with the GridBagLayout?
I have set a minimumSize and a preferredSize for each of the panels. Not sure what else I can do.