SumeetKumar kumar wrote:I have 4 yrs of exp. in develpment ,want to move in to sales and business develpment can i achieve that..?
IMO, the best route (using your technical experience) is probably to become a sales engineer. Technically, the SE is not an account rep, but you get to work with reps (and hence, can learn from them). From this position, getting more experience, networking with sales reps, it should be easy to get a shot at any sales reps positions when they open up.
The most direct route (if you want to enter sales immediately), is to apply for a position in "inside sales" -- these are the cold callers, who track the initial leads for the account reps. They actually do a lot more than that -- but you get the picture. This route will get you into sales right away, and you get to do all the grunt work -- and it is probably the quickest way to figure out whether you want to be in sales or not....