I think the BPEL workflow manager was messing around with session, using some parameters which he knows but they are transparent to developer which uses BPEL support.
Now, I had to substitute everything , so i deleted all the BPEL called methods and stuff related to that. I manually manage session beans throught navigation of the jsp_s . I was
just wondering if the JSTL worked like you confirmed they do... so now I could understand better what did BPEL engine and I can write my buisness logic in a way that everything
works fine.
So I understood it right: If I had a bean named "simpleContext" , of the type "SimpleContext" which had an attribute named "user" ( let's suppose a
String containing the username
of logged user ) JSTL automatically retrieves it from request ( or session , if it's defined in session ) scope and returns the "user" attribute value.
Thanks a lot for your precious help,
kind regards