Thanks in advance.
I would like to pass a comma separated string to my stored procedure. When I send a single value it is working correctly however If I pass more than one it is not returning any parameter in JDBC.
I have a select query which uses in like ‘select name from where roll_no in (‘10a’,’10e’,’11j’);
I have java variable to hold this comma separated value.
After your call on line 3, the StringBuffer contains "11B10A". If you intended to have them comma separated you need to append that as well
I'm not sure how stored procedure will react to the comma separated list; you may want to try testing it from the database command line. You might want to consider overloading the test_proc procedure to take an Array of values instead of trying to stuff multiple values into one varchar parameter.
I've read about this kind of thing at the checkout counter. That's where I met this tiny ad: