Has anyone ever connected successfully a
Struts based application with MS SQL 2000 ? If yes can you PLEASE help me do the same ? The datasource don�t seem to work with the values I am suppose to use :
<data-source type="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
<set-property property="driverClassName" value="com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver"/>
<set-property property="url" value="jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://SERVERNAME:1433;DatabaseName=newasb;User=asbsvc;Password=asbcvs1"/>
I�ve tried many other variants from the above code, but nothing seems to work.
Tomcat says the following:
"type Status report
Servlet action is not available
description The requested resource (Servlet action is not available) is not available."
I am desperate not knowing what to do. I have mailed countless
Java professionals, forums and nobody cames up with something that works. So if you have ever connected a Struts based web app with MS SQL 2000 PLEASE listen to my plea and answer this call.
Carla Carmona
Software Developer