Hello. i don't understand the explanations of the constraints weightxy, ipadxy, anchor and fill.
Gridbaylayout example is the site i'm learning from. There wasn't much luck in google. There were some explanations to these terms but I still don't get it. Can someone write some examples or point me to a site that does have them? I'm looking for examples with numbers and pictures. Or at least Gridbaglayout for dummies kinda explanation
Here's my code. I added the first row of components. the app window was small when it started. When maximizing the window, the textbox was stuck to the button. Setting a frame size didn't help either. When I added the rest of the components, that was no longer the case. i don't know why that happened. Also, max/minimizing the window shouldn't make any wierd looks. It's supposed to resize itself. Now my problem is that size is stuck to date. Why I don't know or how it can be fixed. I've attached a picture to help with visualizing what I'm going after. Oh and the first insets line I added was only supposed to affect the first component. Yet somehow, everything else got pushed to the right. I thought I was going to have to add inset to a few of them but one inset fixed it all :S:S:S
All I got was that the size of the smallest component in the column becomes the size of all the components in that column. And that's when weightxy affects the components? BAAAAH!!!