hi guys ,
iam trying to read excel sheet data using apache poi api .my problem is i cant read the date(dd/mm/yy) and time(hh:mm:ss) values concurrently from two different cells .when iam trying to do so iam getting the values in either time format or data format but not both the below is the sample code please post your answers with sample code
if (HSSFDateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) {
// format in form of M/D/YY
Hi Sridhar, here's what I tried..
I used an Excel 2007 format sheet with 6/22/2011 in cell A1 and 15:16:17 in cell B1. Since this is Excel 2007, I used the XSSF classes instead of HSSF.
That gives me the date as Wed Jun 22 03:16:17 GMT+05:30 2011
Hope that helps!
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