I use Mojarra 2.1.2 under
Tomcat 7.0.12. I want to write a
JSF application using facelets that also works with cookies disabled in the client. Only using
servlets and
JSP, this works perfectly, you only have to response.encodeURL each URL which is displayed to not loose the current session.
How to manage that in JSF?
I have a simple facelet, say demo.xhtml, wich contains something like this
<h:commandLink value="Login" action="#{bean.doSomething()}" />
With cookies enabled, clicking on the link works as desired and the content of the doSomething() method of the ManagedBean bean (in RequestScope) is executed. However, clicking on the link after disabling cookies raises viewId:/facelets/demo.xhtml - View /facelets/demo.xhtml could not be restored.
The source obtained via the browser shows that there is no sessionid appended to the link. Then the server cannot identify the session any more.
The same with a <h:commandButton>, and with Glassfish 3.1 and its own JSF Library.
Does anyone have an idea what I am missing to not lose sessions without cookies?
Thank you.