Hi everyone,
I am new to
Java RMI and I am simply trying to run a "Hello World" program which was slightly modified. (code is shown at the end of the message)
Basically, I have a remote class, a remote interface, and a server class in one of my computers and a client class in another computer.
I am trying to get a "hello" message from the server using the client.
I compiled the server/remote class/interface using javac and then using the rmic compiler. I can run the server and the stub with no problem.
When I try to run the client, I received errors:
cannot find symbol
symbol : class HelloInterface
location: class Client
HelloInterface hello = (HelloInterface)Naming.lookup(host);
I am wondering what would the problem be and how could I get this to work.
In addition, I believe I am using a stream TCP connection. How could I use a datagram UDP instead?
Thanks in advance!
Remote Interface:
Remote class: