I have been asked to modify a
java application to send an email warning when certain events occur. I noticed the existing emailcommand class was sending to an internal smtp server, So I created a smtp ssl app that send via a gmail account and have that working. I am now trying to compile the existing application before I add my smtp ssl logic I got working. I think these a basic errors, but have not been able to resolve them. The following is the application I am compiling and the compiler errors. Thats in advance for any help or comments you can provide.
C:\fis>javac -classpath C:/fis/jre/lib/rt.jar;/fis/libmail/mail.jar;/fis/jre/lib
/fis/build/classes/BytePumper.class src\EmailCommand.java
src\EmailCommand.java:5: '.' expected
import BytePumper;
src\EmailCommand.java:6: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class Command
location: class EmailCommand
public class EmailCommand extends Command
src\EmailCommand.java:29: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : class CommandContext
location: class EmailCommand
public void execute(
String[] tokens, CommandContext context) throws Mess
agingException, IOException
src\EmailCommand.java:40: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : variable BytePumper
location: class EmailCommand
BytePumper.pump(in, out);
4 errors