Problem description:::::
E1001Form.standardFactorParamBeanList= is a list of standardFactParamBean beans.
(each standardFactParamBean contains 4 things.
1. arraylist of strings named(languageClassificationCollection)
string CommentStepCount
3. string NewManual
4. string ReplacementsManual
With all respective getters and setters.
I need to get each bean from the standardFactorParamBeanList so I am using (c:forEach var = "sFPBean" items = "${requestScope.E1001Form.standardFactorParamBeanList}����..)
And from each bean I want the 1st table column to be filled by combobox of languageClassificationCollection
2nd column with commentStepCount
3rd with newManual
4th with replacementsManual
Following is the screen shot
So I am using following code.everything is working fine but I am unable to fill the combo-box with property=" sFPBean.languageClassificationCollection".
<c:forEach var = "sFPBean" items = "${requestScope.E1001Form.standardFactorParamBeanList}" varStatus="status">
<tr class="right">
<td class="blackFontLargeFontAlignCenter"><c
ut value="${status.count}" /></td>
<td class="cellWhite cellLessPadding" width="18%">
<html:select property="bareMachine" style="width:100%">
ptionsCollection name="E1001Form" property=" sFPBean.languageClassificationCollection" />
<td class="cellWhite"><input type="text" value='<c
ut value="${ sFPBean.commentStepCount}" />'/></td>
<td class="cellWhite"><input type="text" value='<c
ut value="${ sFPBean.newManual }" />'/></td>
<td class="cellWhite"><input type="text" value='<c
ut value="${ sFPBean.replacementsManual }" />'/></td>
(similarly 6more rows)
Instead of this if I make a arraylist of strings in E1001Form itself, and then display here, it is going fine as with the following tag.
<html:select property="bareMachine" style="width:100%">
ptionsCollection name="E1001Form" property="languageClassificationCollection " />
My problem is with .How to use <html
ptionCollection > inside a <c:forEach>��.
kindly help me with some inputs.