To avoid any troubles, I'll go ahead and anounce that I've posted similar question in my other
thread about the same project in the last post. I'm afraid that the post has been not seen cause of missleading thread subject.
Friendly advice appreciated with a small personal project (Beginner)
What I am trying to achieve:
"We have a small "warehouse" where we have to sign out every peace of hardware we take. At the moment we have a simple excel spreadsheet with 3 columns. [ ID .... NAME .... DATE]."
I would like to have small login box. When correct password promted, opens another window with 3 data fields - [ID], [User name (already filled by program) and [Comments]. When pressed OK button, it will add that data to MySQL database. The window closes and login box appears again.
When prompted "secret" password, admin panel will open. Admin has the power of adding users, deleting users, search by ID and has a table about 10 last entered recors. When closed, login box appears again.
What kind of help I would like to get:
I would like to know how would you go by building application like this. How would you design it? Roughly, what classes and methods would you create? How to divide it to logical sections?
Thank you for your time,
Kristjan Toots