in my
SCEA Part-2 assignment, I am showing a BaseController with <<
Servlet>> stereotype in the class diagram. (This BaseController is actually the FacesServlet in
JSF). I am also showing in the class diagram some other controllers like SecurityController, XXXController with <<ManagedBean>> stereotype. And I am depicting that the BaseController(which is a servlet) is using the other controllers(which are maanged beans).
I have the following questions:
1. Is this approach right?
2. I am showing the FacesServlet as BaseController and
also naming the managed beans as Controller(e.g. SecurityController).Actually I am trying to follow Cade's example where there are BidController, NoticeController etc. Am I doing the right thing?
3. Following the Cade's example, in the Component diagram I am showing the related group of
JSP's and Controllers as a single component (Though Cade's example has shown only the JSPs). Please provide your opinion about this.