I have deployed a Webservice application on weblogic server 9.2. the webservice is WSDL first webservice and i use servicegen
ant task to generate service classes.
The end point is exposed as https url. (for ex.
https://www.abc.com/context/Service). but after when i refer the deployed WSDL the address is mentioned as http url as mentioned below.
soap:address location="http://www.abc.com:80/context/Service"/>
because of this when i use the browser
test client to test service method i am getting the below error.
Failed to invoke service:
weblogic.webservice.wsdl.WSDLParseException: Failed to retrieve WSDL from
http://www.abc.com:80/context/Service. Please check the URL and make sure that it is a valid XML file [java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '504: Gateway Time-out' for url: 'http://www.abc.com:80/context/Service?WSDL'] at.
After deployment i am able to access the wsdl with https url "https://www.abc.com/context/Service?wsdl"
So my question is there a way to force the WSDL to generate with https url as mentione below
<soap:address location="https://www.abc.com:80/context/Service"/>.
Please let me know your thoughts on this.