Hi All,
I am using Application Server Toolkit
IDE and server is Web Sphere Application Server 6.1. I want to build a new web service
so that third party clients can call it.
I following following steps:
1. I wrote a xsd file under a web project in /WEB-INF/wsdl folder and generated a wsdl using the IDE.
2. I made some necessary changes in wsdl file.
3. Now I want to generate the web service code and want to deploy it on WAS server using Apache Axis.
4. I first set the Server as Web sphere v6.1 Server and Web Service runtime as Apache Axis in preference->Web Service->Server and Runtime.
5. I started the app server.
6. I selected the wsdl file and using wizard to create web service. Selected the web service type as Top down
java bean web service.
- selected the wsdl file in service definition.
- Selected the web service bar upto Start Service level.
- Selected the publish the service check box.
- Click on finish button.
7. The service code got generated but while deploying the service to app server i received a error message window with
followin error -
IWAB0489E Error when deploying Web service to Axis runtime
axis-admin failed with {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/}Server.userException
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: com.ibm.jsse2.util.h: No trusted certificate found
I am not able understand why is this error. Why certificate is needed to deploy the service? And what do i need to do to solve this problem?
I am very scared of certificate issues because i don't understand them at all and this is the first time i am writing a web service so please help me with this.
Thanks a lot