The error "cannot find symbol" in the first example means that
Java doesn't know what "getText" is. Private methods exist only inside the class that they are defined - so in this case the getText method only exists in class Roo. When you try to use it in class Poo, Java doesn't even know that it exists at that point.
The error "getText has private access in Roo" in the second example means that Java does know that the class Roo has a method called getText, but you cannot call it, because it is private. Note that in the second example you are directly using class Roo, unlike in the first example.
The second error message could have been applicable also to the first one, but the Java compiler looks at it a little differently. Anyway, the important thing is that you get an error message when you try to do something that is not correct according to the rules of the language. It is up to the implementation details of the compiler which exact error message you get. If you are studying for an exam, for example for the OCJP, then you don't need to know details like this - the exam is not going to ask you which exact error message you would get with examples like these.