I am running Hello World example using
Java IDL Corba . It ran perfectly on local system and between two linux machines. Now my requirement is to run it on two linux machines which have windows in virtual box. These virtual windows have IP address as : 172.xx.xx.xx.
now when i try to run the example on these vm's, I get either of these errors:
1. some comm_failure error showing the physical IP( 192.xx.xx.xx) of the corba server. and showing connection error issue.
2. some comm_failure error showing ERROR : org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 1398079490 completed: No .
I am not sure how to fix it. all the virtual systems are able to ping each other...
Can anyone throw some light on possible causes here.. I would like to mention that I am generated oldimplbase code while generating corba stubs.