Today I received the email with the results from Oracle, saying …
“Hi Marius,
Congratulations! You have passed the Oracle Certified Master, Java EE 5 Enterprise Architect certification. You are among the elite 1% of certified Java professionals who have gone on to achieve the Java Enterprise Architect certification. …“
First of all I would kindly like thank everyone from this forum sharing the experience related to the SCEA/OCMJEA exams: part 1,2,3.
Through this topic I would like to share my experience, especially those points which I know will be interested for other people, I wouldn’t point things that are already exposed into the forum.
I prepared 4 weeks for part 1. I passed part 1 on 02.Sept.2011.
I submitted my assignment on 26.Sept.2011 and
I took part 3 on 29.Sept.2011.
I received the results after 5 days (04. Oct. 2011).
I would like to thank to the Oracle team because they provided me with the results so fast … I already started to check my email few times per day…checking my assignment and trying to score my project (auto-evaluation)…
Yes, I know there are many people waiting for their results for long period (I saw topics in this forum where people wait for responses from July). Here is my opinion, related to this subject: I believe the response period is different because of the person from the Oracle team who is responsible for everyone’s assignment (part 2 & 3). After I downloaded the PDF assignment (part 2) – I checked the author of the PDF file - in my case was H. S. I believe there are many persons from the Oracle team who take care of the examination process. Some of them are more active (full time / part time …. ) than others…….. this is my opinion. I guess, if you start a new
thread in this forum and post the authors of your assignment (for all of you who ‘ve been waiting for the results for more than 6-7 weeks), you will get some common author names.
Part 1: related to part 1, I had a disappointing experience related to the
test center. After the first 5-6 minutes I started the exam (a small room without A/C, with a window exposed to the A/C huge machines - making noise), right in the next room to the one I was having the exam, a team of construction workers started to break walls, using hammer drills. The noise was extremely laud (like an airplane’s turbine) and the room (the desk) was shaking. I was complaining to the test center supervisor about the conditions (I was not allowed to go out of the room…I was opening the door and screaming to the workers to go away and make quiet...I also used a trash language...I had to)…I was very stressed and nervous. I asked from the test supervisor to reschedule my test because the conditions were absolutely unacceptable (of course my time was running) – he said he can’t reschedule the exam…after 40 minutes the workers left the building…it took me 10 more minutes to chill out and to be able to concentrate on the exam…In the end I passed the exam, but my score was not a good score...nut I passed...God helped me.
I prepared using Whizlab tests – my scores were between 62-80%. Based on the report I got after part 1, I realized that around 7 correct answers from the exam were not considered because of the exam policy (which mentions that some of the questions will not be considered – I found this being very important when you prepare for the part 1). … so, if you schedule for part 1, it doesn’t heart to ask the test center’s if they can provide you with normal conditions.
Part 2: Related to the class diagram - I added new classes (entities) which were not existing in the initial business domain model. I also added a new relation between existing classes from the original business domain model. I could say that I changed the initial business domain model in a proportion of 10-15% (I wrote these notes in the assumptions list). Also,
you should check the overloading methods form classes (there I made a mistake – in a manager class). I had a folder containing my html files, images (in a sub-folder and css (sub-folder).
Part 3: As, I learned from the forum, first I went through all the questions – and I wrote notes for all the questions…. After I saw all the 8 questions I was sure I’m going to score 24 points…. I’m sure I didn’t score 24 points for part 3. After first 3 questions I already spent 60 minutes, plus 20 minutes for first review (and making notes) of the 8 questions. In the last 40 minutes I had to answer 5 questions – which I found it very difficult because I had much to write but not enough time…for the last question I only had 4 minutes. I guess the main point is to go right to the subject, and defense your architecture and decisions from part 2 – this way, examiner realizes it is you who designed part 2. After taking part 3 I was trying to auto-evaluate my exam, but I wan not sure if any question is marked with 3 points.
Hopefully, I provided some useful information for some of you. I’m sure most people who prepared for OCMJEA by reading this forum too will receive good results from the Oracle team.
Good luck to all of you!
Best regards,
If I wrote anything in here which is against the exam politics, please remove my topic.