Howdy JavaRanch!
I have a small problem with a
applet I have been tinkering around with. I am trying to get a ball to bounce around within the boundaries of the applet window, it works, well sort of...
My problem is this, when I call to repaint(); the images flicker too quickly or something and I cant see the images but they are moving. I can tell this because the ball flickers in and out of existence too quickly. When I dont call to repaint(); the ball/image sits there and does nothing, unless you resize the applet window, then it starts moving. I have two class files, one that paints and updates the applet, the other which is the Ball class controls all of the Ball like logic. Please let me know if you see a glaring problem, that would be nice. Thanks for looking at this stuff. I did do a search on these forums and tried to relate others code to mine but I dont see anything wrong with mine.
-Tom Reese
Here it goes..dum dum dum