tell me please:
A)the best uml tool for this kind of assigment.i tried staruml but i dont feel it is good enough :
1)the interface in class diagram appears as a circle !
2)the generated code make misleading classes contents.which makes me feel frustrated and willing not to continue my work.
B):im list now .can i split the class diagram to many views.since there are many the way what is the average classes number should be in each otherwords what is the minimum classes number that if anyone make class diagram will know he is not "catch the point"
c).if i make class diagram free from
java specifications.only
patterns is it ok?or i should show "jee skills"
D)if i use uml version lower than 2.0 is it wrong?
F)i hope that there is a good samples online that is similar to assignment rather than Mr. cade book for learning more.